Children of the Moon - Ian Fontova

This is Children of the Moon! My new Epic Celtic Folk single, accompanied by a 2D illustrated animation video. It’s set in a fantasy world, but the story has similarities with things that happen in our reality. Societal norms that take away children’s autonomy and grant full authority to parents are really strong and extended, they’re the norm. What happens inside the household is a “private matter“ and goes unchallenged. And if you give full authority to someone over another human being, and never hold them accountable, abuse is going to happen at some point in many cases. From smaller but harmful microaggressions, to more explicit verbal or physical violence. The result from all this is that many kids are trapped in a terrible situation from which they can’t escape, because the surrounding community will either not believe them, or even think that the parents’ behaviour is justified. And all this is especially bad for LGBTQIA kids, who have a lot more chances to face re
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