Socratic Method

The Socratic Method is a teaching method where the teacher gets students to answer questions in class. Learn how it works and how to approach this type of class. Brought to you by Learn Law Better Newsletter Sign-Up to get free MP3 law study aid: RESOURCES: Facebook : Twitter: Blog: Today I want to discuss the Socratic method. The method is named after Socrates, the Greek Philosopher who lived in Athens in the 5th Century B.C. Though Socrates never wrote anything, his student Plato captured his teachings in a series of books we call the dialogues. In the dialogues, Socrates asks questions to others in the story, trying to get the other person to get to the truth of some issue. His most famous dialogue is called Phaedo, where Socrates asks questions to his students on the immortality of the soul. It’s a wonderful s
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