
0:00 1 Few Words Before We Begin 1:07 2 Join The Community 1:58 3 Course Overview 5:35 4 Maven 8:13 5 IntelliJ 10:20 6 Open The Project with IntelliJ 12:00 7 Maven Parent Module 19:01 8 Intro 19:42 9 Spring Cloud 23:18 10 Create Your First Microservice 31:16 11 Model Controller and Service 36:47 12 Postgres and PGAdmin on Docker 41:16 13 Connecting to DB 49:23 14 Databases 50:40 15 Intro 51:54 16 Fraud Microservice 56:40 17 Database Setup for Fraud 1:01:22 18 Fraud Controller Service and Repository 1:09:03 19 RestTemplate 1:14:26 20 Testing Microservice Communication 1:17:36 21 Service Discovery 1:21:44 22 Spring Cloud Dependency 1:25:22 23 Setting up Eureka Server 1:30:59 24 Dashboard 1:32:53 25 Eureka Clients 1:40:32 26 LoadBalanced 1:47:25 27 Open Feign 1:49:57 28 Feign client Feign 1:56:28 29 Using Fegin Client 2:01:26 30 Microservice Communication With Feign 2:04:23 31 Exercise 2:06:16 32 Solution 2:10:28 33 Distributed Tracing 2:14:09 34 Adding Sleuth 2:17:56 35 Zipkin 2:19:00 36 Zipkin Container 2:21:57 37 Spring Cloud Sleuth Zipkin 2:25:23 38 Zipkin Dashboard 2:32:01 39 What are Load Balencers 2:41:59 40 Load Balancer Algorithms 2:44:52 41 Load Balancer Health Checks 2:46:57 42 Spring Cloud Gateway 2:49:53 43 Bootstrap API Gateway 2:54:07 44 Configuring API Gateway 2:56:51 45 API Gateway in Action 2:59:58 46 Why a message queue 3:03:51 47 Simulate Slow Response 3:08:21 48 AMQP RabbitMQ 3:14:48 49 Kafka RabbitMQ and SQS 3:19:08 50 AMQP Exchange Types 3:24:03 51 Rabbit MQ Container 3:27:35 52 AMQPTemplate and JacksonConverter 3:34:02 53 SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory 3:38:39 54 Notification Queue Configuration 3:43:07 55 Queue Topic and Binding 3:47:07 56 Message Producer 3:50:51 57 Publishing Messages 4:00:07 58 Customer Microservice Publishing Messages To Queue 4:05:57 59 RabbitListener 4:13:06 60 We made it Our code is Asynchronous 4:15:21 61 Intro 4:16:15 62 Maven Compiler Plugin 4:23:37 63 Spring Boot Maven Plugin 4:29:56 64 Installing Root and Individual Modules with Maven 4:36:31 65 Running all Jars 4:45:45 66 Intro 4:46:53 67 What is Docker 4:48:25 68 Docker Images and Containers 4:51:43 69 Docker Architecture 4:54:25 70 Docker Registries 4:58:38 71 Docker Login 5:04:26 72 Spring Boot Maven Plugin and Jib 5:07:00 73 Jib Maven Plugin 5:15:39 74 Jib Sub Module Configuration 5:20:16 75 Build and Push 5:25:33 76 Exercise 5:27:16 77 Exercise Solution 5:30:24 78 Adding Eureka Server and ApiGW to Docker Compose 5:33:13 79 Docker Network 5:35:24 80 Spring Profiles 5:39:07 81 ApiGW and Eureka Server Docker Containers 5:43:04 82 Exercise 2 5:43:38 83 Exercise Solution 5:51:57 84 Intro 5:52:46 85 What is Kubernetes 5:57:02 86 Master and Control Plane 6:05:32 87 Worker Nodes 6:11:54 88 Running Kubernetes Clusters 6:16:38 89 Minikube 6:23:19 90 Installing Kubectl 6:29:12 91 Kubernetes Hello World 6:36:24 92 Pods 6:39:26 93 Deployments 6:43:37 94 Services 6:46:38 95 Service Discovery 6:53:10 96 IntelliJ k8s Plugin 6:55:42 97 Never Deploy Postgres on k8s Only for local testing 6:58:20 98 Postgres YAMLs 7:08:06 99 Postgres Running in k8s 7:13:31 100 Exercise 7:14:19 101 Exercise Sol 7:22:10 102 Intro 7:23:41 103 Disabling Eureka 7:25:33 104 Refactor Feign Clients 7:32:47 105 Adding SPRING PROFILES ACTIVE default 7:38:55 106 Kube Profile 7:43:35 107 Building new Images and Testing Docker Compose 7:48:09 108 Section Overview 7:48:30 109 Customer YAMLs 7:55:05 110 Customer Up in Running in k8s 7:58:42 111 Exercise Solution 8:02:43 112 We done it Microservices running in k8s 8:07:30 113 Intro 8:08:03 114 What is Kafka 8:15:58 115 Kafka Broker 8:20:52 116 Bootstrap Project 8:22:55 117 Topic 8:25:53 118 Kafka Producer Config 8:31:48 119 Kafka Template Send 8:35:27 120 Kafka Consumer 8:39:26 121 ConsumerConfig 8:44:45 122 KafkaListener 8:48:42 123 Restful Api and Kafka Integration 8:53:11 124 Custom Objects 9:01:42 125 Trusted Packages 9:05:38 126 Deployment and Managed Kafka 9:07:38 127 Spring for Apache Kafka Documetation 9:08:45 128 Outro 9:09:10 129 Don t Use Spring Cloud Config Server 9:14:59 130 Vault and Secrets Management 9:16:13 131 Reporting Service 9:18:10 132 Security 9:20:16 133 Deployment 9:26:27 134 Outro
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