Climax Blues Band - Flood Of Emotion

’See that’s just a Mother, that’s just a Child, Don’t mean a thing to the rank and the file’ “This song took the longest for me to write as it touched on a subject that had to be approached with a lot of thought and care. I really wanted to write a song that was about the human injustices I see everyday on the news, and it wasn’t until I came across the story of Alan Kurdi, the 3 year old Syrian boy that was found laying face down on the shoreline of a beach in Bodrum Turkey, that I was able to focus in on what I wanted to say. When I saw the pictures of him laying there I just cried and cried. And then the picture of him being carried out of the sea by a Turkish police officer, I mean anyone that isn’t affected by those pictures hasn’t got a heart, and at the time my grandson Otis was the same age and I just kept thinking that in another time and place, how that could’ve so easily been him.“ - Graham Dee  
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