I found out our Cat Gary couldn’t see Well - He was spooked by something and He Falls into Water

cat video - Cat falling in River - Tuxedo Cat falls into the water - Talking Cat Video. - I had only adopted Gary for a short time when this video was made almost 4 years ago. He had been Abused and I could tell he was scared of everything. After spending a lot of time under my started taking him outside. He Hates to be picked up but I did it and he was in love with the outdoors and later I found out he is 95% vision impaired with indoor light. Outside he could chase butterfly’s and run healed from nature in a short time. He followed me everywhere, so when I went to take pictures on the dock he would howl at the end of the dock for me so I would slowly let him follow me and he would lay down under the bench while I took pictures and videos of crystals for my website. That day he followed me for the 3rd or 4th time and my friend Anthony walked on the Dock and he started making weird sounds at Anthony and started running. I did think he would make it
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