UN Discuss Palestine (1947)

Unissued / Unused material. Title reads - ’Palestine Partition Approved! Arab, Jewish states voted by UN Assembly’. United Nations Organisation discuss Palestine. New York, America (USA). L/S general view of the meeting of the United Nations Assembly in New York. L/S Trygve Lie, Secretary General, President Aranha and the tally clerk on the rostrum. C/U Lu Chieh, Chinese delegate speaking from the rostrum. C/U Herschel Johnson, US delegate on the rostrum. C/U Prince Abdullah of Yemen on the rostrum. C/U James Ilsey of Canada on the rostrum. M/S Andrei Gromyko, Russian delegate, on the rostrum. C/U King Feisal of Saudi Arabia on the rostrum. M/S tally clerk taking the votes. L/S general view of meeting. C/U President Oswald Aranha announcing the result of the vote. Motion adopted by 33 for 13 against, 10 abstention (natural sound). L/S general view of the Assembly. L/S elevated shot of a street in Jerusalem showing buildings. Various shots of Jewish workers, young, old, men and women at work on
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