Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left | Dinesh D’Souza LIVE at UNC at Greensboro

This Reagan White House policy veteran and nationally renowned filmmaker has plenty to share about what lies ahead for America, and he is taking campuses around the country by storm with his “D’Souza Unchained” lecture series, a politically incorrect conversation about what truly makes America great. Dinesh is uniquely qualified to speak on this—he grew up in a country ruled by gangs with little to no hope of social advancement and came to America in pursuit of the American Dream, something that no other country can lay claim to. Young America’s Foundation engages with students across the country to inspire them with the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values. YAF is the principal outreach organization of the Conservative Movement and introduces hundreds of thousands of young Americans to these principles every year, most of whom have never heard the arguments for freedom and personal responsibility before. Learn more: .
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