Matt Gaetz Laughs Off Biden’s Witch Hunt After Finding Witness?

In this video, we hear from former FBI employees who witnessed and experienced the politicization and weaponization of the bureau against American citizens. They reveal how the FBI targeted Catholics, parents, and rally-goers based on their political views and affiliations, and how they faced retaliation and ridicule for speaking up. For example, Jane Turner, a former FBI agent who worked on child sex crimes, was harassed and demoted after she reported the mishandling of cases on a Native American reservation. They also expose how the FBI failed to follow proper procedures and standards in investigating the January 6th Capitol riot, and how they were pressured by the Washington field office to open cases without sufficient evidence. For example, Stephen Friend, a former FBI SWAT team member, was suspended after he refused to participate in what he regarded as unnecessarily heavy-handed raids over Jan. 6 misdemeanors
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