Baryshnikov by Tharp - One for My Baby (and One More for the Road)

From “Baryshnikov by Tharp with American Ballet Theatre“ (1984), also known as: “Dance in America - Great Performances“ (10/05/84). Twyla Tharp and Mikhail Baryshnikov combine talents to recreate for television three outstanding Tharp ballets: “The Little Ballet,“ “Sinatra Suite,“ and “Push Comes to Shove.“ The works are linked by “The ABCs of Dance,“ a “stroll“ through the vocabulary of dance conducted by Baryshnikov. “One for My Baby (and One More for the Road)“ was written by Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer. Popularized by Frank Sinatra, the song was first performed by Fred Astaire the movie musical “The Sky’s the Limit“ (1943). Harold Arlen described the song as “another typical Arlen tapeworm,“ a “tapeworm“ being the trade slang for any song which went over the conventional 32 bar length. He called it “a wandering song. Johnny took it and wrote it exactly the way it fell. Not only is it long – forty-eight bars – but it also changes key. Johnny made it work.“ Sinatra recorded the song several times during his career.
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