How to color anime hair

Heres a close up ver if you want...... I hope thats how you spell it :( and hope the title isnt retarded as it sounds OTL Made with soney vegas took 3 hours to render not so bad :D This is how I color the hair :( its not the absolute way to color just one way out of so many other people OTL please this is just to help some people its not for you to say oh I made this style on how to color hair 8D no.... its just to help *shot* whatever ummm just ask if you need anything.. Anyways this is a hair toutorial from me to you people cause for some reason you think i color hair nice x A x sooo ummm yeahh.... animegurl*insert numbers here* asked me on DA to do this, this is kinda noob soo.... if you have questions just ask OTL umm letss see.... im doing contest prizes and stuff and i did draw this picture if anyone wonders cause its really different am trying to get my old style back and this is a in progress picture for it
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