Eastern Philosophy Vs Western Philosophy

Eastern Philosophy vs Western Philosophy When it comes to eastern philosophy vs western philosophy its all about the clash of civilization. Each side of the globe has had it’s own influences and influencers that shape their relative cultures. When one attempts to explain such a broad topic like eastern philosophy vs western philosophy, alot gets lost in the detail, Of course each one is so infinitely nuanced and there is plenty of crossing over. However the overarching themes of eastern vs western philosophy is very clear and they seem to stand at opposite sides of each other. This video will cover the basic differences between eastern vs western philosophy. Multiculturalism and the rapid growth of technology has led to the melting pot of society we have always dreamed of. Tolerance and acceptance is the motto as we expand our horizons to encompass new ways of life each passing day. With that being said, as the world becomes more connected we are introduced to perspectives we find hard
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