Below the Sun - Mirrors Official Video

Taken from second album “Alien World“, to be released by ToT Records on 26th of May, 2017. Order link: Hailing from little known Krasnoyarsk, deep in Russia’s vast and evocative Siberian landscapes, BELOW THE SUN are set to release their second studio album, Alien World, via Temple of Torturous on 26th of May, 2017. The Russian four piece return with another progressive and atmospheric record that is ambitious as it is heavy. Alien World is based on the science fiction novel Solaris by Stanislaw Lem; a 1961 tale that explores the nature of human memory in the context of complex communications between human and non-human life forms. The non-human life form that is at the centre of the story is an oceanic planet which is capable of bringing human memories into a physical form. The pelagic themes explored within the music on Alien World continues into the album artwork, which depicts an alternative view of the ocean.
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