FAUN GALDRA - FAUN feat. Lindy-Fay Hella of Wardruna - GALDRA πŸŽ₯ Pathfinder movie

πŸ’₯ Galdra or Galdr (Faun) is a Scandinavian term that means spell or enchantment that is why I chose Pathfinder movie as an image where it combines the spells of the Native Americans and their defense against the advance of the Vikings in America. The song or cry of Lindy-Fay Hella inspired me like the war cries of those natives. All the COPYRIGHTS of the Galdra music belong to the musical group FAUN Support FAUN in: FAUN Website: Facebook: Instagram: Youtube: #FAUNfeatLindyFayHellaofWardrunaGALDRA #faungaldra
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