Cooking and the challenges of the nomadic father“ “Building the first shelter

In the hushed darkness of the night, Qasim, a resolute nomadic father, found himself facing yet another unexpected challenge. The rain that had mercilessly poured upon their settlement left them without shelter once more. With a heavy heart, he gathered his young children, Puya and Ainaz, seeking refuge inside their weathered car. As the raindrops danced a gentle melody on the roof, Qasim stroked his children’s hair and whispered words of comfort, assuring them that brighter days would soon unfold. Together, they huddled close, enveloped in the warmth of their love, finding solace in each other’s presence amidst the discomfort of their circumstances. With first light, Qasim woke up, determination etched in his eyes. He knew he had to take immediate action to provide a safe haven for his beloved children. Invigorated by the morning sun, he roused Puya from sleep, knowing that together, they could conquer any hardship that life threw their way. As they stepped out into the c
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