Vanilla Elwynn Forest Music & Ambience (3 hours, World of Warcraft Classic)

3 hours of in-game footage from Vanilla World of Warcraft, featuring Elwynn Forest Music and Ambience. You will find all locations captured to emphasise the ambient (Northshire, Goldshire, all the farms and lakes, Eastvale Logging Camp and more) together with your favourite Elwynn Forest music composed by Jason Hayes. The heartland of the human Kingdom of Stormwind, the Alliance and consequently is the starting point of all human characters, Elwynn Forest is a vast woodland situated in Eastern Kingdoms, just bellow the Burning Steppes at north, Redridge Mountains at east, Duskwood at South and Westfall at west. The Defias Brotherhood, a group of robbers and bandits wearing red masks, are a growing menace in the region, but the real threat comes from Redridge Mountains, where Blackrock clan is already sieging Lakeshire. Most residents of Elwynn are involved in one of its major industries: logging, farming, fishing or mining. Northshire Abbey was rebuilt and has become a recruiting center for t
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