Sail Specification for RISC-V P-Extension - Bow-Yaw Wang & Jenq-Kuen Lee

Sail Specification for RISC-V P-Extension - Bow-Yaw Wang, Academia Sinica, Taiwan & Jenq-Kuen Lee, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan RISC-V P-extension (RVP) is designed for digital signal processing (DSP) applications on RISC-V instruction set architecture. RVP supports parallel processing with 325 new instructions. Among them, 173 Single-Instruction-Multiple-Data (SIMD) instructions are added. These instructions divide general purposed registers into 8-, 16-, 32-, or 64-bit chunks and compute an arithmetic function in parallel. RVP also contains special instructions for DSP such as cross multiplication and saturated computation. The RVP specification is a text document maintained by the RVP work group. We present a Sail specification for RVP in this work. To reduce manual and maintenance efforts, tedious Sail specifications for binary encoder/decoder and assembly mnemonics are generated automatically. We explain how dependent-type programming in Sail simplifies our semantic functions for RVP. Writing s
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