This video features cosplayers from this year’s World Cosplay Summit event in Nagoya, Japan. It is a large cosplay festival that takes place in Oasis 21 and the surrounding outdoor city areas. Cinematography Music Deekey - Its Love My Camera My Camera Lenses Cosplayers Karechan3840 0:00 Nanasemeron 0:15 Sirotama0907 0:34 Hash_cos 0:40 Zerozakisaya 0:44 Ryitaros 0:49 Aoaoooorio 1:03 Udon_chan8 1:08 Haru_no_iu 1:15 Batman__Fabio 1:22 Negoto_meme 1:48 Icecream0813 2:00 Cyama28 2:04 Vincent cosplay 2:12 2:16
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