The attachments I make with these kiddos keeps me going. #physicaltherapy #babydevelopment #baby

Hi, I’m Dana and I have been a pediatric physical therapist for 25 years. You can read more about my practice at the top of my channel. I see kids for a lot of different disabilities including developmental delay, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, genetic disorders, dystrophies, and more. I cannot give individualized medical advice on social media and you need your doctors permission to try any exercises with your child. A therapist needs to be trained in order to perform these highly skilled exercises. I see kids for intensives in Cary, North Carolina for 1,2, or 3 weeks for 2 visits per day. We are able to show a lot of progress with our little patients and I share that to bring hope to other parents around the world. You can find booking information at the link at the top of my channel. The exercises I use are based on Cueves Medek Exercises. We give novel experiences to kids to work on neuroplasticity of the brain which allows us to improve gross motor skills. Hush little baby, don’t you cry. Everything’s gonna be alright. Kids cry during therapy because they are scared or tired--Kids are not in pain in these videos. ~ There is crying during sessions but everyone is given a chance to calm between exercises. ~ The attachments and cuddles I have with these kiddos keep me going! ~ Don’t you think you’d get attached? It’s so hard to say goodbye on Fridays because every child has a special place in my heart ❤️
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