Lord of the Rings ALL VFX REMOVED!

Everybody has seen The Lord Of The Rings trilogy and marveled at the incredible scale of it all. Tremendous battles, massive magical creatures and of course the famous use of motion-capture for the creation of Gollum. These achievements were so brilliant that perhaps they have blinded us to other incredible work that in comparison has been hugely underdocumented. Like the music in this video? Get it on Google Play:► ◄ Get it on itunes: ► ◄ Listen on Spotify: ► ◄ Buy it on Amazon: ► ◄ Middle Earth Miniatures. Lord Of The Rings director Peter Jackson is a miniature enthusiast and from a very early age began making, filming, and destroying his own miniatures. In the Lord Of The Rings trilogy, a huge amount of work went into the design, creation, and destruction of miniatures, and without them, the films would not have had the same aesthetic or emotion. City of the Dead. For the city of the dead, the design team to
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