Senegal election crisis: Violent police clashes, protests, and presidential postponement

Senegalese police clashed with protestors on Sunday – after President Macky Sall postponed upcoming presidential elections. Traffic was blocked and there were barricades of burning tires in Dakar. Security forces responded with tear gas to disperse crowds. There were also some high-profile arrests. In video released by her campaign, Presidential candidate Anta Babacar Ngom was detained near a protest site, according to her manager. “Nothing will stop us. That’s our most basic right. It’s a citizen’s right. We have an appointment with the Senegalese people.” It all came after Sall said on Saturday that the election, set for later this month, would be pushed back to an unspecified date. He blamed a dispute over the list of candidates... and alleged corruption within the constitutional body that handled the list. Some opposition groups have called his move an ‘institutional coup’. Lawmakers will debate on Monday a proposal to hold th
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