Giant Deep-Sea Isopods - videos in nature & lab, predation by squid, capture via traps

This video is part of a research collaboration between members of Carleton University and the Cape Eleuthera Institute (Bahamas). The project on personality/behavioural syndromes and metabolism is published in the Journal “Deep-Sea Research Part 1“ and can be accessed here: The MEDUSA video footage (at depth) is being used with the generous permission of CEI, Dr. Edd Brooks (Head of Shark Research & Conservation) and Mackellar Violich. The first part of the video shows how traps for Bathynomus are retrieved from 600-1200m, the second shows an up-close view of Bathynomus at the surface in cooling tanks. Lastly, the third shows how remarkably agile these animals can be in their element (and a because I knew you’d like it). The animals are crustaceans, and a giant form of the sow or pill ’bugs’ often seen in terrestrial gardens. For more information about the MEDUSA or CEI research see their home page w
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