I asked #Udio to make an AI #DepecheMode song and here’s what happened!

Up until now, has been the big thing in AI music generation, but now there’s a new kid on the block called . I gave it a whirl and was interested to see how it behaved when you put in a band name as a prompt. Suno won’t let you do that, but Udio handles it in a smarter way by replacing the band name with suitable prompts. Since Depeche Mode is one of my favorite bands, I decided to experiment with that and was blown away and decided to share. Disclaimer: I mean absolutely no disrespect to Depeche Mode or DM fans. I’ve been a huge fan of the band since the 80’s - have all their albums as vinyls and cds, seen them in concert many times etc. I simply wanted to share the results of what Udio can do because I find AI fascinating. It goes without saying that - nothing - can replace the original band and their talent. Not even AI. EXTRA INFO: Since I’ve had a lot of questions, here is some additional
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