A Revolutionary Recap Awaits from the astounding #IDDAxMOD 1st International 3D Printing Symposium!

🎉 A Revolutionary Recap Awaits! 🎉 The echoes from the astounding #IDDAxMOD 1st International 3D Printing Symposium still resonate in the futuristic corridors of dentistry! 🚀🦷 One week has passed, yet the innovations and revelations unveiled at the IDDA’s SIXTH international conference linger vividly! 🎥 1-Minute Memories 🎥 Dive into a 1-minute video recap to re-live the pulsating moments from stellar personalities in the world of 3D printing and dentistry! 💎 Star-studded Event with Experts 💎 With the virtuoso insights from DSD - Digital Smile Design, including Christian Coachman, Patrik Zachrisson, Quintus van Tonder, Chris Lefkaditis, Matthew Nejad Miladinov Milos Milos Ljubicic And Giuliano Fragola, we transcended boundaries, embracing the imminent future of dental technologies! 🙏 A Heartfelt Thanks to Our Sponsors 🙏 Epic events aren’t born; they’re crafted through collaboration! Immense gratitude to our esteemed sponsors: - TruAbutment, Inc. - Tru Abutment UK - Medit - SprintRay - Anthogyr - Tri Implants - Imagine USA - MODJAW - Asiga - Ackuretta - Phrozen 3D Printer Thank you for manifesting the unimaginable, and for journeying with us into uncharted territories of dental technology! 🌍 International Digital Dental Academy & The MOD Institute 🌍 Journeying together, IDDA & MOD Institute are forging paths never trodden, exploring possibilities, and co-creating a vibrant future! 🚀 Welcome to the Future... 🚀 Our exploration does not cease! The canvas of technological marvels in dentistry is vast, and together, with your enthusiasm and our unrelenting spirit, the journey into the future continues! 👀 Stay Tuned! 👀 Join us in this 1-min recap & rekindle those moments of awe, inspiration, and forward-thinking that we experienced together! 🔗 🔗 Let’s continue to break barriers, reshape the digital dental world, and traverse into the future, hand in hand! 🌐🤝 #IDDA3DPrintSymposium #DentalInnovation #3DPrinting #DigitalDentistry #FutureofDentistry #IDDAConferenceRecap #ThankYouSponsors #DSDExperts #DigitalSmileDesign #TechnologyInDentistry
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