The Galactic Wars between Lyran and Orion

Dive deep into the cosmic saga of the Lyran-Orion Galactic Wars, a monumental conflict that reshaped the dynamics of our universe and challenged our understanding of existence. This video brings to light the ancient stellar battles between the Lyran and Orion civilizations, revealing the profound impacts these cosmic conflicts have had on Earth and human history. Drawing from the insights of channelers like Phillip Kraph, George Labuono, Jo Brien, and the profound wisdom of Lyssa Royal, we explore the metaphysical narratives that parallel our scientific understanding of the universe’s origin. Key Highlights: - Edwin Hubble & The Big Bang: How scientific exploration sets the stage for our cosmic journey. - Extraterrestrial Civilizations: The intriguing possibility of life beyond Earth and its implications for our understanding of the universe. - The Galactic Wars: An in-depth exploration of the epic conflicts that raged across galaxies, involving worlds like Lyra, Orion, Draco, Sirius,
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