黃明志的中東情歌.卡達世界盃2022主題曲【Ya Gamila】Ft. Yasin Sulaiman @高清無碼 2022 H.D. & Uncensored

**Press CC button for Subtitles! 點擊CC按鈕有中文字幕! Tekan butang CC untuk Sarikata!** السلام عليكم قطر This is my first time to Qatar and also to the Middle East for the World Cup 2022⚽! I met 3 cute girls there and invited them to shoot the MV with me😍. What an unforgettable trip... Btw, singing in arabic really hurts my tongue!😂 Asalamualaikum Ya Gamila~ This is the second time Asia is hosting the World Cup and we should support them kao kao! 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾 這是世界第四富有的國家-卡塔爾,今年他們即將舉辦世界杯足球賽2022。這也是亞洲第二次主辦世界杯足球賽。我特地創作了這首阿拉伯語 英語 華語的歌曲,祝福這卡塔爾世界杯2022順利舉辦,也祝世界和平! @mare_inst @ @christinachamoun #YaGamila #FifaWorldCup #qatar2022 - 數位音樂下載 Online Music Download【Ya Gamila】: 【Ya Gamila】YouTube 高清版 MV: The Making Of【Ya Gamila】幕後花絮 Youtube高清版: 【Ya Gamila】幕後花絮Shorts高清版: 【Ya Gamila】Arabic A-Z Challenge TikTok: @namewee/video/7163212247349726491 【Ya Gamila】Arabic A-Z Challenge IG: - 黃明志第十張創作專輯2022【高清無碼】已正式開始預購,馬上點入以下網址預購!Namewee’s 10th music album [High Definition & Uncensored] is now available for pre-order in : Namewee 黃明志 NFT 平台 : Namewee 黃明志 Telegram Channel : Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page: Namewee YouTube Channel Link: Namewee Instagram: @nameweephoto Namewee Twitter Channel: @NameweeO #Namewee #黃明志
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