Natural Movement Training Session | MovNat Rolling Emphasis | Follow Along Ukemi Workout

Check out last week’s video for the warm up segment for this session: Natural Movement Emphasis: 3 sets for each exercises with 1 minute break between sets. 1. Foot Hand Crawl to Side Roll : 5x/side 2. a) Sit to Backward Roll: 2-5x/side 2. b) optional progression: Backward Roll Get Up: 2-5x/side 3. a) Prone Lying to Forward Roll: 2-5x/side 3. b) optional progression 1: Forward Roll from Standing: 2-5x/side 3. c) optional progression 2: Dive Roll: 5x/side This is the emphasis segment for a rolling-focused MovNat Adaptive Practice Session that Stefano (MovNat Adaptive Practice Sessions Director & Master Trainer) and I collaborated on for last week’s newsletter. This is a free email newsletter sent out by MovNat HQ every week that includes 3 workout sessions that you can do from home. Be sure to visit to sign up if you aren’t already subscribed. Check to sign up for Natural Mobili
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