NASA astronaut discusses extended stay in space

(13 Sep 2023) RESTRICTION SUMMARY: MUST CREDIT NASA NASA - MUST CREDIT NASA International Space Station - 13 September 2023 1. SOUNDBITE (English) Frank Rubio, NASA Astronaut: “So unfortunately, our Soyuz spacecraft developed a leak, we think, through micrometeorites strike in the coolant system. And unfortunately, you know, the spacecraft was essentially intact, but we weren’t really sure whether we as a crew would be safe in our return. And obviously that’s a critical component not just to our safety, but also and perhaps more importantly, to the computer systems that manage our re-entry. And so because of that, both NASA and Roscosmos came together. And again, as much as it was a challenge to stay an extra six months, I’m so grateful that the agency was able to say, hey, you know what, the safe thing to do would be to fly up a new spacecraft and have them wait and ensure a more safe return.“ BLACK FRAMES 2. SOUNDBITE (English) Frank Rubio, NASA Astronaut: “Yeah, the communication really is a key. So when we first got up here, we had the Voice Over Internet Protocol, telephone calls that we could pretty much make a phone call anytime we weren’t working and we had a KU availability. And then a few months into our stay, we started developing a videoconferencing capability, and then that became more and more robust and something we were able to enjoy, So really for the last half of the mission, at least a couple of times a week, I was able to do a videoconference with my family, which was huge because it just helps you stay so connected to obviously talk to them, but then to see them, I think it just changes the whole paradigm and it was really pretty special to be able to do that.“ EDIT ENDS ON SOUNBITE STORYLINE: NASA astronaut Frank Rubio now holds the record for the longest U.S. spaceflight. Rubio surpassed the U.S. space endurance record of 355 days on Monday at the International Space Station. He arrived at the outpost last September with two Russians for a routine six months. But their stay was doubled after their Soyuz capsule developed a coolant leak while parked at the space station. “As much as it was a challenge to stay an extra six months, I’m so grateful that the agency was able to say, hey, you know what, the safe thing to do would be to fly up a new spacecraft and have them wait and ensure a more safe return,“ Rubio said Wednesday, during an interview from the International Space Station. The trio will return to Earth on Sept. 27 in a replacement capsule that was sent up empty for the ride home. By then, Rubio will have spent 371 days in space, more than two weeks longer than Mark Vande Hei, the previous U.S. record holder for a single spaceflight, Russia holds the world record of 437 days, set in the mid-1990s. =========================================================== Clients are reminded to adhere to all listed restrictions and to check the terms of their licence agreements. For further assistance, please contact the AP Archive on: Tel 44(0)2074827482 Email: info@. Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
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