Weekly Torah Portion: Chukat

The Thin Red Line: Parashat Chukat describes so many seemingly unrelated events, yet it is the profound fundamental truth contained in the commandment of the red heifer - parah adumah - that ties all these events so tightly together. Chukat (Numbers 19:1-22:1) Parashat Chukat is read on Shabbat: Tammuz 3, 5779/July 6, 2019 This teaching was originally recorded in 2014. Rabbi Richman will be recording a new parasha teaching next week. Jews living in the diaspora are reading parashat Korach (Numbers 16:1 - 18:32) this week: Visit us: Become a fan on facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Look for us on Instagram: Weekly Newsletter: 32 YEARS of the TEMPLE INSTITUTE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT:
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