Fake quadrupeds

Free time is a curse part.2 There is going to be some text today I’ll refrain next time but, today; In the early Lucids you see the catmen acting like cats much more, and I love that but I want to see them walking like cats too. But humans who try to walk like cat just look weird. And I wandered off a bit and wanted to see how dog-werewoof-Luther would be too. He looks like a bit like Klee’s “Hungriges Maedchen“ but I think it’s just because both the man and the painting look a bit scary with their big round eyes and their elongated faces. And I also like to think about Luther emulating some of the Catmen’s behaviors because he’s unsure about wether they are acting humans or cat-like and sometimes he emulates the wrong thing. I forgot what I was writing about.
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