Anakin & Padme | Dynasty

okguys. watch in HD pls. i’m so sorry for the quality, it was so hard to find a good coloring. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 300 SUBSCRIBERS AAAAAH. This video is probably going to flop so hard ’cause i don’t think i have a lot of star wars fans who follow me but, guess what? I don’t mind. This is my first SW vid and i can tell you, this is not the last. Theses movies are so so so important to me, they are my favorites ones, i love everything about them. The univers, the characters (ps: anakin is one of the most interesting one ever to me, my god I love him so much), the actors, the stories, ALL. Tbh, I’m not a big fan of the new trilogy, but still. If you never watched it, what are you waiting for????? THIS SONG. I’m so in love with this song, i wanted to make an edit with it since ever??? Isn’t it perfect for these two? This couple break me so much every f******* times, it was obvious to me to make a edit with them. I have a plan to make an anakin one but i think that you will see a lot more of anakin &
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