The Marvelous King - Fang’s Theme Remix

UPDATE: I have posted this track to SoundCloud! Feel free to listen there, or download to your hearts content! --- Well, well, well, it’s another October, and another time for me to resurrect my dusty channel. I’m doing okay, just man, my energy got SAPPED from May to September for whatever reason. I think it was the heat from summer that did that. ANYWAYS, Sonic ’s a thing, huh? I haven’t played it yet, but I’ve been hearing pretty good things about it. Someone shared with me Fang’s new theme song from the game. And I think it’s an okay tune! I like that they worked in his theme from Triple Trouble. But I think it could’ve used some more juice. Not sure if my version is better persay, but boy howdy did I have fun writing this! Fang’s one of my all time favorite Sonic characters, and I’m gonna celebrate his grand return with this tune! --- Video made with FL Studio ZGameEditor Visualizer plugin Effect author credits: Grid - StevenM Linear - StevenM,Dubswitcher,Youlean Youlean Blur - Youlean --- Fang the Hunter/Fang the Sniper/Nack the Weasel is © to SEGA (They can’t seem to agree on what his name should be, huh?)
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